When you think about your life and the race you are running—what’s a win for you? Some might define a win as raising kids that excel at a prestigious university, writing a book that reaches bestseller status, speaking at an arena packed with people, or having a massive social media following. But what happens if the kids drop out of college, or if the book only sells five copies? What if only that one awkward person shows up to your event or you struggle to get 300 followers on Instagram?… Read More
Posts in hardships
ARTICLE: Propel Women – “Enduring is not Enduring”
In endurance sports, the primary obstacle to overcome is your own pain and exhaustion. Whether cycling, running, or swimming, the goal is to cross the finish line still breathing. Endurance is a virtuous trait, both in sports and in life. Matthew 24:13 states that “the one who endures to the end will be saved.” When it comes to endurance, simply not quitting is an accomplishment. So there’s nothing wrong with asking God to give us the strength to endure. It’s a Godly prayer and God is faithful to provide when… Read More
BLOG: Your Mental Illness is Not OK
Like most, I am often caught in between two worlds. There’s the world in which we live that readily accepts any popular theology that gives immediate – albeit temporary – relief. And then there’s the hidden spiritual world where a greater understanding of biblical truths can bring actual freedom. Unfortunately, the spiritual world is often so quickly dismissed – even by popular church culture – that God’s children never actually get to experience the freedom they have in Christ. I have come to learn that there is no way to… Read More
BLOG: Move Forward Anyway
As I sat in front of my Bible today, I prayed about whether I was doing too much – or too little – during this coronavirus season. So far this season, I’ve taken advantage of the extra time to catch-up on a lot of things: being more intentional with my kids, completing work tasks, home improvement jobs, finding unique ways to reach out to neighbors, fostering community with several different pockets of people in my world. But lately it seems that I’ve seen a lot of posts, texts and comments… Read More
BLOG: What if your problem was actually your solution?
For those that don’t already know, I worked as a professional actor for almost a decade before transitioning into a Producer. During my journey as an actor is when I went through the hardest emotional periods of my life. I felt I was conflicted and unsettled with a new emotional dilemma, rollercoaster or breakdown nearly everyday. Whether it was defending my career choice as legitimate for the 1000th time, thinking the job I just booked would finally “be it” (but then it wasn’t), questioning my life after being rejected yet… Read More
Read MoreBLOG: Facts that will change your life.
Two families moved to the same small town. The first family drove into town and spoke with the attendant at the gas station. The family asked the attendant, “we just moved here, is this a good town to live in?” The attendant responded “well, tell me about the town you just moved out of.” The family gushed about their old town, “oh, we loved it….the summers were warm, the people never bothered each other and there was always something to do.” The attendant exclaimed, “oh, then you’ll love this town!”… Read More
BLOG: Been Criticized Lately?
I took some time last night to go through some old emails and purge the ones that aren’t relevant to my life anymore (yes, this is what I do for fun). For as long as emails existed, I’ve held on to the “extreme” emails – encouragement emails, praise emails…and yes, some very harsh emails as well. I like reading the encouraging emails every once in a blue moon because they remind me that someone out there thinks I’m being or doing something worthwhile…but I especially like reading the not-so-encouraging emails…. Read More
BLOG: I never wanted kids…
In 2009, I wrote a long-winded note to Robert regarding my complete disdain for the thought of ever having to have children and the “death” of my dreams and life that children would bring. Part of that note read “I in no way desire that at all in any fiber of my being. I might could come to grips of having to have kids if only you would admit even half of how drastically our lives would go downhill after we have them.” Now, being two weeks away from Urijah’s… Read More