Posts tagged obedience

ARTICLE: Propel Women – “Obedience Wins the Race”

When you think about your life and the race you are running—what’s a win for you? Some might define a win as raising kids that excel at a prestigious university, writing a book that reaches bestseller status, speaking at an arena packed with people, or having a massive social media following. But what happens if the kids drop out of college, or if the book only sells five copies? What if only that one awkward person shows up to your event or you struggle to get 300 followers on Instagram?… Read More

BLOG: Don’t Get Comfortable Just Yet…

“Stepping out of reluctance and into obedience will reveal purpose.” @KarenHarmon @propelwoman If God has called you to do something in this season, do it now. Not tomorrow, or next week or next year. Now. I’m guilty. I’m the anti-procrastinator by nature. However – I have procrastinated “until next week” on doing something I believe God wants me to do….and nearly a year later, it’s still left undone, sitting on my desk. Untouched. For me, it’s been a combination of insecurities of what people will think when I do it… Read More

BLOG: Three Phases of Life

Since leaving MySpace, it seems I’ve also left the world of blogging. But today, I felt like I wanted to share the insight from this morning. Hannah said it made no sense, but it made sense to me, I guess that’s important. 🙂 If Samson had obeyed God and followed through with God’s ultimate will for His life to become a Judge of Israel, then would it have been necessary for God to close Hannah’s womb so that she would reach a point of desperation and offer her first child,… Read More